
The Climateatlas is produced by me, Peter Black. I’ve been interested in geography for a looooong time. I used to read atlases at the dinner table when I was a kid. When I went to university, Geography was an easy fit for me. It was there that I gained a consciousness for environmental causes.

After school, I got a job working for the Environmental Defense Fund working on a website called scorecard.org. This site was one of the first database backed websites with a mapping front end on the web. I helped EDF for almost 10 years with their geo work. One of the ideas I implemented was this here climateatlas. The concept was to mash maps and blogs up together, allowing me to create maps, have some context, and for you to comment. Pretty cool huh?

Now, I’m a freelancer. Keeping up with the climateatlas is pretty hard. But feel free to contact me to help me out or if you have any suggestions or comments, or would like to hire me either full time or as a consultant! petercblack@gmail.com




  1. Peter:

    I saw this recently, is the site still active? What are you doing now?

    We are developing a series of climate adaptation services, might be useful to get in touch!

    Tom Downing

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